PKK members and their supporters in the heart of Europe!

Let those who cannot define scoundrels who target our citizens as terrorists, the PKK as a TERROR ORGANISATION, and those who ally with them watch well!
One of the attacked citizens is a student named Efe, who is only 16 years old.
We condemn the despicable and heinous attack of the supporters of the terrorist organization PKK, who gathered in front of the European Parliament (EP) in Brussels, the capital of Belgium, on our Turkish brother, who was part of a group of students that came to visit the European Parliament;
We call on the Belgian government to take the necessary measures against these ruthless terrorists and their supporters IMMEDIATELY.
When I called our brother Efe, who was brutally and cruelly attacked by the terror sympathizer carrying flags of the PKK, in order to convey our good wishes and to get information about his condition, he stated that the PKK group in front of the EP attacked him upon learning that he was “fasting” and “Turkish”.
We closely and carefully follow the systematic and intentional escalation of incidents in Belgium perpetuated by the PKK terrorist organization and its supporters targeting our citizens, NGOs, and places of worship. We continue to underline to our Belgian counterparts that we are concerned about the security of life and property of our citizens.